Support for you

The student counselling service is free and for all students. We are here to help if you are experiencing distress which is affecting your studies, relationships, work or life in general. The service offers one-to-one support to talk about how you are feeling and to explore your concerns.

How to book an appointment

To book an appointment, speak with a member of the student services team. Email and someone will get back to you.

When requesting an appointment please give us your:
• name
• student number
• contact phone number

We’ll ask you to complete a student counselling registration form to give the counsellor some background.


If there’s a wait

The service is in high demand so you may have to wait for an appointment. We’ll discuss this with you. Our student services team can support you while you’re waiting.


How are counselling appointments carried out?

Counselling takes place face-to-face, over the phone or online. We’ll give you the choice.

If you make an appointment, it’s important that you attend (or let us know in good time if you need to cancel).

There’s more about this in the Student Counselling Leaflet

If you have any questions, email us at and we’ll be happy to help.


What to expect

Before your first appointment it can be useful to think about what you would like to discuss with the counsellor and what you would like to get from the session. It’s OK if you’re not sure what you want to discuss. The counsellor will help you with this.

If you make an appointment, it’s important that you attend (or let us know in good time if you need to cancel).

Please read the counselling contract to find out what’s expected from you and from the counsellor during your appointments. The counsellor will discuss this contract at the first appointment.


How to cancel an appointment

If you can’t attend your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing It means another student may be able to benefit from the slot.

If you’re cancelling one slot, then your sessions will resume at the usual time the following week.

If you no longer need your counselling appointments, please tell us so we can give the appointment time to someone else. That means we can support other students, which, in turn, helps us to keep our waiting list down.


Is personal information confidential and secure?

Yes. Click on the links below for information about privacy and confidentiality. If you have any questions, email us at

Student counselling service confidentiality and management of records

Student counselling service privacy notice



Some staff have undertaken Safe Talk, Suicide Talk and ASIST suicide prevention training.

The Samaritans (116 123) or Breathing Space (0800 83 85 87) can also provide urgent support.

If you or someone you know needs urgent medical assistance, then you should dial 999 or go to A&E.

If you or someone close to you may be thinking of suicide, please contact the student services team by email at or visit our Advice Centre

More information on the college mental health and wellbeing services.

Here ;