South Lanarkshire College Foundation

About the foundation

The South Lanarkshire College Foundation was registered as a charity on 20 February 2014 and has been an important source of funding for student projects, primarily at the College, but also in the wider South Lanarkshire region.  A Board of Trustees resides over the Foundation’s funds, ensuring that organisations and groups in the most need are given financial support for projects that ensure the highest quality of further education for students is provided.

Purpose of the foundation

The purpose of the Foundation is to:

  • Advance and promote further education in South Lanarkshire, and
  • To promote similar charitable purposes, objects or charitable institutions in such proportions and manner as the trustees will think fit.

Past projects supported by the foundation

Since its beginning in 2014, examples of grants awarded by the Foundation to beneficiaries include:

  • Funding to support the building of a Low Carbon Building at the College for use within teaching curriculums.
  • Funding for Student Services at the College to support student poverty through the provision of free breakfasts, soup & sandwiches, and a student food larder.

How to apply for funding

If you think your group, organisation or business could benefit from funding that will support a further educational purpose for students within South Lanarkshire, please complete the application below.

South Lanarkshire College Foundation Funding Application 

Your completed application will be carefully considered by the Trustees at the next scheduled Board meeting. Meetings are held bi-monthly. A formal decision on your application will be communicated to you within one week of the meeting. 

How to donate   

We would like to hear from you if you are a business, a former or current student or an individual with an interest in supporting the Foundation financially to ensure that it can continue to support local projects within further education.

Please contact Elaine McKechnie, Vice Principal – Finance, Resources & Sustainability, in the first instance: for details on how to make a donation or leave a legacy.