Data protection

We collect personal data in order to provide educational and learning opportunities, and for other associated purposes. See the privacy notices below to find out why and how we use your data.

What is personal data?

Your personal data is any information that identifies you.

What types of personal data does the college collect?

We collect your name, address, date of birth and any qualifications you already have.

Some data is classed as special categories of data. This is data relating to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, and religious and philosophical beliefs.

Why does the college need your personal data?

We need your personal data so that we can provide you with a good student experience and ensure that you get any help and support you need.

What does the college do with your personal data?

The college has a legal responsibility to protect your personal data. We must tell you why we need it and what we do with it.

When can the college use your personal data?

We use your personal data only when the law allows us to, for example, to arrange learning support for you.

Do you have rights over the personal data the college holds?

Yes, including the right to ask to see your personal data.

Find out more about your rights under data protection law.


How long does the college hold data?

The college has a retention policy for the length of time we hold information, please review the full document for more information.

Document retention guide


Find out more about your rights under Data Protection law here

View our privacy notices 

How to get in touch

FAO: Data protection team
Tel: 01355 807485

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