Making a choice for future you

We are one college, for all you want to achieve. We are here to help you take your career to another level with courses taught by industry experts in our modern, state of the art facilities. So whether you want to work in accounting, law, health care, construction, business, science, creative and digital media or anything in between, we are here for one purpose; to support you. 

Course Search

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Explore our courses by browsing by career areas. 

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What course should I study?

There’s a lot to choose from. How do you decide? We’re here to help.

What course should I study?

Courses and qualifications explained

When you’re choosing a course, how and when it’s taught, and what level of qualification you get at the end of it, are all part of your decision. Find out more about our courses and qualifications.

Courses and qualifications explained

Schools programmes

Still at school? Or exploring options for your young person? Explore courses that can be studied in 4th, 5th or 6th year that sit alongside school subjects.

Schools Programmes

Foundation Apprenticeships

Foundation Apprenticeships are designed for school students to be studied alongside their school subjects. They bridge the gap between education and employment by providing valuable work experience. 

Foundation Apprenticeships

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