Gender-based violence prevention and support

Our approach

We want all staff and students to flourish in a safe, supportive, inclusive learning environment. We have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence.

The College is firmly committed to creating a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and equity for all staff and students. We will not tolerate any form of racism, harassment, or discrimination. We aim to promote an environment where equality and diversity is celebrated within the College.

Our gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and support strategy and policy outline our approach.

Gender-based Violence Prevention Strategy

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Support Policy

The College is fully supportive of the Equally Safe national strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls. We believe that there is no place in our society for these types of toxic behaviours and are firmly committed to securing a future in which GBV no longer exists.

Equally Safe: National Strategy

Student Charter

Student Code of Conduct

We adopt the Equally Safe definition that GBV describes a range of gender-based behaviour which include:

  • Intimidation
  • Harassment
  • Online abuse
  • Intimate image sharing
  • Domestic abuse
  • Physical and emotional abuse
  • Stalking
  • Rape and sexual violence
  • Murder
  • Commercial sexual exploitation
  • Honour based violence
  • Forced Marriages
  • Female genital mutilation

Although GBV affects more women and girls, it also affects men and those in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Support for you

Anyone experiencing GBV is encouraged to report it immediately to someone in the College that they feel comfortable with who can support them.

All staff have been provided with vital specialist and confidential support information that fits into staff ID badges. They can use this information to support individuals or make a referral to another member of staff.

  • Staff can access direct support from line managers or from Human Resources.
  • Students can access support from Course Guidance Tutors or directly with Guidance and Support staff through Student Services.

For anyone affected by GBV, immediate support can be provided, and a prompt referral made to external specialised support services, if necessary. In addition, arrangements can be made to make use of the internal support services including for example, Student Counselling Service and Employee Assistance Programme.

The College will respond sympathetically, confidentially and without judgement to anyone who discloses that they are experiencing GBV. We will also provide a safe, confidential space for students and staff to receive support with no time limits set for meetings.

The type of support offered may include, but is not limited to:

  • Agreed periods of absence (Authorised Absences for students) for relevant appointments, including for example support agencies, solicitors, to attend counselling, to rearrange housing or childcare and for court appointments.
  • Work with local authority housing/homeless teams and Women’s Aid to support those in a crisis situation and in need of accommodation.
  • Where possible, give favourable consideration to temporary changes to attendance, work arrangements and workload.
  • Approve requests for an advance of pay or bursary/discretionary support.
  • Access to counselling support services during college time and other internal support services.
  • Review the security of information held such as temporary or new addresses, bank, or healthcare details.
  • Alert reception and security staff where the alleged perpetrator is known to come to the College.
  • Implement particular security arrangements that may have to be put in place to ensure the safety of the person concerned.
  • Record any threatening or violent incidents by the ‘reported person’ that takes place in the College.

This list is not exhaustive and there may be other measures that we can put in place to help support you and your circumstances.

Report and support

Students can also make formal or informal reports to the College about a variety of issues including gender-based violence, safeguarding, or mental health support directly through the Student Portal.

These reports can be created either by providing contact details or reporting anonymously. 

All reports containing contact information will be responded to within a maximum of two working days.

Disclosures made through Report and Support are confidential and only passed onto relevant staff on a strictly need-to-know basis. They do not automatically initiate a formal report.

To find out more about Report and Support click here.

On this page you will find support articles about various topics. You can also make a report by clicking 'Tell Us What Happened' or Tell Us Anonymously'.”

College’s approach to supporting those making reports or disclosures

We understand that you may be concerned or worried about information you tell us when making a report, especially if you are from the LGBTQIA+ community. We understand this can be very difficult. We want to reassure you that information disclosed in your report will not be shared outside the small group of staff that respond to reports without your consent or before you are ready to tell your own story.

The College will not tolerate any instances of ‘outing’. As outlined in both the Student Charter and Student Code of Conduct, students should treat all members of the College community with consideration and respect. ‘Outing’ would be considered an example of Gross Misconduct and appropriate action would be undertaken.

Students disclosing any incident of GBV will not face disciplinary action for breaching of policies relating to drug consumption, under-age alcohol consumption or misconduct in relation to the circumstances surrounding the incident.

It should be noted that in a small minority of cases there may be instances where investigation, possibly disciplinary action, or extended disclosure to named support contact may be required. This will be with regards to any safeguarding concerns or fitness to study policies. Any additional action will be carried out in a sensitive and trauma-informed manner to best support you.

Our focus remains on making you feel safe and supported.

Non-disclosure Agreements (NDA’s)

The College will never use non-disclosure agreements in cases of GBV for staff and students. We aim to be as transparent as possible in reporting such cases and ensuring we have effective support is in place for those making disclosures.

EmilyTest Gender Based Violence Charter for Colleges and Universities

Emily Test logo, pink and grey with sub text saying Tackling Gender Based Violence in Education

South Lanarkshire College is immensely proud to be the first college in Scotland to be awarded the EmilyTest Gender Based Violence Charter in November 2023.

EmilyTest is a Scottish charity working to improve prevention, intervention and support concerning gender-based violence. The charity was created in 2016 by Fiona Drouet, following the death of her daughter undergraduate student, Emily Drouet, who took her own life after being subjected to a campaign of gender-based violence from a fellow student.

The EmilyTest Charter is dedicated to enhancing prevention, intervention, and support related to gender-based violence. The charter, bearing a comprehensive framework informed by evidence and student perspectives, plays a pivotal role in further and higher education by offering an institution-wide and nationwide approach. It serves as both an internal toolbox, facilitating effective prevention and intervention, and an external marker for celebrating progress and ensuring accountability.

Urgent help and support

If you need help now, or if a crime is in progress, or you require urgent medical attention, please call 999.

If you are unable to speak to an emergency operator, you can use the ‘silent solution’ system by pressing 55 when prompted on your phone to alert the police.

Police Scotland

You can contact the police for non-emergencies by calling 101, or for emergencies dial 999.


Internal and External Help and Support

Student Services Team Student Advice Centre Ground Floor Atrium

Trained staff provide immediate, confidential and nonjudgemental guidance, support and assistance or referral to student counselling service and/or referral to external specialised services. 

A member of staff will respond within 2 working days. 

01355 807780 

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 8:45am – 4:30pm all year excluding Christmas holidays.

Student Counselling Service

Free and open to all current students. The service offers one-to-one support to discuss any distress you may be experiencing that is affecting your studies, relationships, work, or life in general.

To book an appointment, speak with a member of the student services team, or email

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 8:45am – 4:30pm all year excluding Christmas holidays.

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline (24 hours)

Supporting anyone experiencing domestic abuse or who think they may be, or anyone concerned about someone else through specialist Help Team offering support options available in Scotland. Confidential telephone interpreting service available.

0800 027 1234, 24 Hour Helpline, 365 days

07401 288595 WhatsApp/Text

If you are a black or minority ethnic woman who's experiencing domestic abuse you can also contact Shakti Women's Aid on 0131 475 2399, 9am to 5pm weekdays

Scottish Women’s Aid

Supporting you to talk about your experience and try to find options that help to keep you and your children safe. They can also help you to find further support, if that is what you want.  

Women’s Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire

01355 249897 or 0141 404 0015 WASLER Direct, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

Edinburgh House, 3rd floor, 20 Princes Square, east Kilbride, G74 1LJ
Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

Rape Crisis Scotland

Provide trauma-informed support for anyone affected by sexual violence and support anyone thinking of reporting or engaged in the system to navigate the justice process from start to finish.

Helpline, 08088 01 03 02
Daily 5pm - Midnight

General enquiries, 0141 331 4180
Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm

3rd floor, Rape Crisis Scotland, Abbey House, 10 Bothwell St, Glasgow G2 6LU
Open Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre

Provide trauma-informed support for anyone affected by sexual violence and support anyone thinking of reporting or engaged in the system to navigate the justice process from start to finish.

08088 01 03 02, Helpline, Daily 5pm - Midnight

01698 527003, General enquiries

50 Orchard St, Hamilton ML3 6PB
Opening Times, Monday to Thursday, 9am – 4pm, Friday, 9am – 3pm

Victim Support Scotland

Provides information, practical help, emotional support and guidance through the criminal justice system.

0800 160 1985, Helpline, Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4pm.

Victim Support South Lanarkshire

Dalziel Building, 7 Scott Street, Motherwell, ML1 1PN

01698 337 185, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Breathing Space

Provides a free, confidential, phone and webchat service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression, or anxiety.

0800 83 85 87 Helpline, Monday to Thursday 6pm – 2am and Friday to Monday, 24 hours, 6pm – 6am

Webchat service available
Monday to Friday, 6pm – 2am, Saturday and Sunday 4pm – 12am

The Samaritans (24 hours)

Provides support to anyone struggling to cope including those who have noticed a dip in their wellbeing, those feeling lonely or isolated, and those feeling suicidal.

Freephone: 116 123, 24 hours, 365 days of the year

210 W George St, Glasgow G2 2PQ
Open 7 days 9am – 10pm

Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid (for ethnic minority women and children)

Provides crisis support to women, children and young people living in the wider community. Those who cannot attend at a drop-in centre can be met at a place of safety.

0141 353 0859, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

24 Willowbank St, Glasgow G3 6LZ
Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Shakti Women’s Aid

Help for Black minority ethnic (BME) women, children and young people who are experiencing, or have experienced, domestic abuse.

0131 475 2399, Monday to Friday 9:30am – 5pm

57 Norton Park, Albion Rd, Edinburgh EH7 5QY
Open Monday to Friday 9:30am – 5pm

AMIS Abused Men in Scotland

Provides support for men who experience domestic abuse through a national helpline, website, and training services.

03300 949395, Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

2nd Floor, AMIS, 525 Ferry Rd., Edinburgh EH5 2FF
Open Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm

MASH Men As Survivors Helpline

Provides support to males and non-binary survivors of sexual violence through counselling, practical help, and community.

0808 800 5005,  Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm, Weekends 10am - 2pm.

LGBT Youth Scotland

Provides support to LGBTQ+ and young people aged 13 – 25.

0141 552 7425, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

WebChat via website, Monday 4pm – 6pm, Wednesday and Thursday 4pm – 8pm.

3/2, 30 Bell St, Glasgow G1 1LG
Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.

LGBT Domestic Abuse Project

Works across Scotland to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ people's experiences of domestic abuse and to support professionals and service providers to improve service responses to LGBTQ+ people.

0141 552 7425, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

WebChat via website, Monday 4pm – 6pm, Wednesday and Thursday 4pm – 8pm.

3/2, 30 Bell St, Glasgow G1 1LG
Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.

Galop LGBT+

Support LGBT+ people experiencing abuse or violence, such as hate crime, domestic abuse, sexual violence, so-called “conversion therapy” or any other kind of abuse.

National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline

0800 999 5428, Monday to Thursday 9:30am - 8pm, Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm

National Stalking Helpline

Support victims of stalking through providing practical information, support, and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family, and professionals working with victims.

0808 802 0300, Monday and Wednesday 9:30am – 8pm
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:30am – 4pm

Forced Marriage Unit

Provide safeguarding and culturally appropriate confidential advice, help and support to Black and Minoritised Women and girls who are at risk of and/or are survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse.

From overseas: +44 (0)20 7008 0151

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