Supporting carers

A carer is someone of any age who looks after or provides unpaid support for a family member or friend who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction cannot cope without their support. This includes those receiving carers allowance/young carers grant.

If you're a carer, we want you to gain your qualification in a learning environment that is rewarding and ensures equal opportunities.

We make sure that there are no barriers to entitlement or success at college.

The support we offer

  • individual support from your guidance and support adviser
  • discussion of course options and help to complete the application and personal statement
  • arranging a visit to the college so you can see the facilities
  • guidance and advice on funding, childcare, discretionary, accommodation and travel
  • introduction to the learning development team, if necessary
  • help to get other services, such as college counselling, pastoral support or mental health services
  • regular meetings to review how you are getting on
  • discussion of how you are progressing with your studies and support for next steps after college
  • free yoga and mindfulness classes through the student wellbeing team


Important documents for student carers

Student carers policy

Carer support plan

Statement of intent

Supporting our student carers

Strategic outcomes


Going Further for Student Carer Award

Carers Trust Scotland Going Further in Scotland Recognition Award Logo

We were awarded the Going Further for Student Carers: Recognition Award in March 2019. This recognised our excellent support services available to ensure student carers meet their full potential.

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