Intro to the course:
The One and Two Year Foundation Apprenticeship (FA) in Social Services Children and Young People is offered in S5 and S6, it aims to give you the opportunity to develop the knowledge, values, and skills, required to work with children and young people. This course is ideal for anyone who sees themselves working with children and young people in a caring or education setting. You will have the opportunity to undertake both an NPA and SVQ Level 2 units in Social Services (Children and Young People for which you will attend a work placement in a South Lanarkshire Council run early years establishment.
Employment possibilities in this area include:- Working in early learning and childcare settings e.g. nurseries, out of school care, creches, Primary school teaching, Social Work (children and families), Child Psychology, Nursing and midwifery.
Course Attendance Pattern
1 year course:
Tuesday and Thursday 9.30 – 4.00
2 year course:
Year 1 – Tuesday and Thursday 1.30 – 4.00
Year 2 – Tuesday and Thursday 1.5 days per week