Industrial Action

Ongoing Strike Action
and Action Short of Strike (ASOS) Guidance

College lecturers who are members of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS-FELA) Union, voted in favour of strike action and action short of strike (ASOS) from Monday 12 February 2024 to Monday 15 July 2024. This action will end sooner if an agreement is made at national level.

We apologise for the disruption to your learning and will do everything possible to help you complete your qualification and progress to next year. 

Strike Action
EIS members employed by South Lanarkshire College have been asked by their trade union to undertake a programme of discontinuous industrial action consisting of strike action. This is part of a national pay dispute and national strike action affecting all colleges across Scotland.

Action Short of Strike Action (ASOS)
During ASOS, the College still expects all College lecturers to submit results in line with their contracts and they still must undertake the following:

  • Set and mark assessments or any other work to be assessed;
  • Share results for work that provides feedback and support to students;
  • Give students feedback from assessments;
  • Measure and record progress and attainment of learners;
  • Mark registers.

There may be a delay in receiving your qualification certificate(s) dependent on whether or not the lecturer(s) teaching your course are participating in the national action or not. Please note:

  • This does not mean you have not completed your course. Your lecturer(s) should have shared this information with you.
  • The work you’ve completed should have been marked, ready for the lecturer(s) to enter the results as soon as the dispute ends.
  • If you are waiting on results from an SQA National External Examination, such at National 5 or Higher, we expect you to receive your certificates on Tuesday 6 August, as originally planned.
  • If you are unsure if you have completed all the work to gain the qualification, please contact the subject lecturer or your guidance tutor, in the first instance.
  • In some cases, we have to complete Awarding Body Qualification Verification activity before your certificates will be released. The Curriculum Manager will be in touch directly if this applies to your course.
  • If you have applied for a course at SLC and have already received a conditional offer, the College plan to convert this to an unconditional offer, where appropriate. There may be a very small number of cases where this is not possible. The Curriculum team you have applied to will contact you directly if this is the case. You must do everything possible to complete your course in order to receive the unconditional offer.
  • We understand that some universities will also be converting conditional offers to unconditional offers. There is an expectation that you will complete your HN qualification, if this is the case
  • The College will prioritise awarding body resulting for those progressing to further study or jobs, once the dispute had been resolved. They will also communicate with universities and employers.

South Lanarkshire College is committed to helping all students progress onto employment or further study and if needed then the College can write letters of support etc. to employers to help with progression.

We would encourage you to get in touch with your subject lecturer or Curriculum Manager if you need any assistance or have concerns.

If you are unsure of how to contact your subject lecturer or Curriculum Manager then you can also contact our support teams by emailing Student Support - or the Student Association -