Intro to the course:
The course comprises of four units and the five core skills
- communication
- numeracy
- information and communication technology
- problem solving
- working with others
The relevant uniformed services for this course are:
- The Army
- Merchant Navy
- Royal Air Force
- Royal Navy
- Royal Marines
The relevant emergency services for this course are:
- The Ambulance Service
- Coastguard
- Fire and Rescue
- Police
The units are delivered in a variety of ways, however Skills for Work Units are designed to provide an experiential learning process. This means learning through practical experience and learning by reflecting on experiences.
The units are: Uniformed and Emergency Services: An Introduction
- this unit introduces learners to the roles and responsibilities of uniformed and emergency services team members and explores the diversity of career opportunities available in the uniformed and emergency services. Uniformed and Emergency Services: Health, Safety Fitness and Wellbeing
- this unit introduces the learner to the importance of maintaining personal wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle to a career in the uniformed or emergency services. Through identification of physical fitness standards required by the uniformed and emergency services and participation in physical fitness practical activities, learners will develop an understanding of the importance of maintaining physical fitness to a career in the uniformed or emergency services. Uniformed and Emergency Services: Engaging with the Community
- this unit introduces learners to the concept of diversity and possible impacts of stereotyping on members of a community. This will enable learners to be able to demonstrate a positive approach when interacting with others. This positive approach should include communicating appropriately and having respect and consideration for others. Uniformed and Emergency Services: Working in Teams
- this unit introduces learners to the nature and importance of team-working in uniformed and emergency services environments. The benefits of team-working and the qualities of effective leadership and followership will be explored and external factors which may affect a team will also be investigated. The unit provides learners with the opportunity to review their own performance in relation to strengths and areas for improvement when working as a member of a team.