• Languages
  • Part-Time Evening
  • 1 year
  • Sign Language
  • SCQF Level 5


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Intro to the course:

This course will enhance your BSL vocabulary and increase skills and confidence in communicating effectively with D/deaf people on a range of everyday topics in a variety of situations.

SCQF Level 5

Study mode
Part-Time Evening

Start date

Who is the course for?

This course is for students who have completed BSL Level 1.

What will I study?

  • BSL Grammar and syntax non manual features
  • complex vocabulary 
  • BSL presentation skills 
  • preparing BSL presentations 
  • understanding BSL presentations 
  • questioning and answering structure in BSL 
  • deaf history and culture in UK

Next step course options

Level 3 BSL

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed communicating with another user of BSL and understanding information provided in BSL.

Why should I choose this course?

British Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred language for over 87,000 D/deaf people in the UK. BSL gained legal status as a language in Scotland in 2015 and the use of BSL is promoted by the Scottish Government. This course provides increased BSL proficiency through learning more complex vocabulary and BSL productive and receptive skills. In addition the Course will focus on aspects of BSL such as NMF, structure of questions and answers, presentation skills and understanding detailed BSL presentations will give you a basic introduction to the language, it's history and to the D/deaf Community.

Where can this course lead?

This course could lead on to future employment after further study as a CSW, an interpreter, carer or teacher within the education, media or healthcare sectors.

What are the entry requirements?

Level 1 BSL

What are the interview arrangements?

No formal interview

Fees, finance and funding:

Fees and finances for evening:

This course costs £600.

Find out more about Part-Time Fee Grants (PFGs): https://www.saas.gov.uk/part-time

Other information:

For more information on this course and to speak to a member of our team email admissions@slc.ac.uk

Choose your study options

Study mode Part-Time Evening Start date 03/09/2024 Duration 1 year
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